Lizé Pienaar turns 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lizé is one of identical monochorionic/monoamniotic (mono-mono) twins. These twins share both a placenta and sac and occur in only 1% of twin pregnancies therefore being a high-risk pregnancy. In early pregnancy and up to 26 weeks, the mono-mono twins have a low survival rate of 50%.

At the 20-week ultrasound (anatomy scan) the Maternal Fetal Specialist noticed 3 Congenital Heart Defects in Baby A (Lizé), this was confirmed by the Paediatric Cardiologist 3 days later. Lizé was born with, Transposition of the Greater Arteries (TGA), Pulmonary Valve Atresia (PA) and Ventricle Septal Defect (VSD). 

The twins were delivered via C-Section on 14 September 2015, both were rushed to NICU as they were premature (Sjaan weighed 2.06kg & Lizé 1.86kg). Lizé was kept alive with medication to ensure the Ductus valve remains open. The first couple of weeks was a rollercoaster, we had to say goodbye to Lizé numerous times as her heart was just not coping.

 From her first breathe her fighting spirit kicked in and against all odds she had her 1st surgery at 6 weeks old at Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital. A Blalock shunt was inserted. She was discharged 6 days later and for the first time both the girls were home.

She continued to go for regular check-ups with her Paediatric Cardiologist.

At 18 months old, she underwent her next surgery called the Rastelli. While in ICU she contracted pneumonia and 2 weeks after surgery she was still having problems. Her team of doctors discovered that one part of the operation was unsuccessful. The VSD patch that was inserted double folded and leaked. This meant she was rushed back to theatre for another open-heart surgery. After 4 weeks in ICU, she was cleared to go home and recover.

Although more surgery lies ahead as she (and her heart) continues to grow, we remain faithful and optimistic that she will continue to flourish. Her fighting spirit is admirable and inspiring to those around her. She is a kind-hearted, gentle and compassionate soul. She absolutely loves school and participates in various types of sport.

The bond between Lizé & Sjaan is so precious & unique. They can sense each other’s feelings even though they are miles apart.

At the age of 7 she has endured more than what some of us will endure within a lifetime. We are blessed and extremely grateful for her amazing team of doctors who continue to walk this road with us.

Lizé is truly God’s miracle and testimony of his work.

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