Mieke's Story

The story of Mieke's life started way before 14 January 2017, the day of her birth. This is how we managed to become the parents of the most amazing little heart warrior.

In March 2010 my husband and I planned for a new baby. We already had two boys at the time Xander (7) and Sias (3). because of the love we had for our two sons, we wanted a little daughter. I became pregnant with a little girl a few months later I had a miscarriage and my hopes and dreams of becoming a mommy to a little girl was gone. We attempted once more and in February 2011 our third son was born. We were over the moon, even though we once again had a son. But inside we as parents were shattered because of the longing for a daughter.

Forwarding to 2016 my husband and I got this crazy idea of adoption (the good work only the rich can do ) so because we were a middle/working class family we also very quickly got rid of that idea. We could anyway not afford what the court requires form us.

In January 2018 a very good friend of mine phoned me and offered me a new work opportunity which I grabbed with both hands, it was a great opportunity and I had flex, time-as well and this is where our story began.

As I was working for this company

I became the big "Boss" P.A., and she trusted me with everything from the company's finances to everything in her private life as well. Because of her status as such she did a great deal of charity work too.

On February 2018 my boss came to me and told me to go look what she had in her office. I was quite excited to go see and opening the door, there she stood a beautiful princess. She could barely stand. I now believe in love at first sight. It was the single most perfect moment of my life.

This little girl was the most adorable little girl I've ever saw. Immediately we bonded but she was not my little girl to begin with.

Because of the workload and stress the management of our company had, they decided that I had to be a nanny for her whilst she is in their care as foster parents. I agreed to the smallest details because I just did not want to let her go.

Not very long after that, my husband and I decided to take a chance and see if we could become adoption parents. We went to go see an expert in adoptions and amazingly we qualified in each and every aspect. Only because of God's Amazing Grace I my ad. So, we started the adoption process of little Mieke.

Close to the end of 2019 one night while bathing Mieke collapsed in the tub and hit her head on the side we immediately went to the E.R. and took her for a MRI scan to see if she had any head injuries. That was the first time the doctor said Mieke have an Irregular heartbeat at first, we did not make much of it because we did not carry much knowledge.

About four months or so later whilst I was busy curling little Mieke hair once again she became pale and just collapsed right in front of me. I was so so scared, I rushed her once again to the E.R where the doctors once again told me that she had an irregular heartbeat and that she could have a form of epilepsy.

These symptoms continued for two years until she was admitted in hospital where a paediatric doctor said that we must go see a paediatric cardiologist immediately. Because we do not have one in Rustenburg the closest one was Pretoria.

After seeing the Heart cardiologist doctor a year went by still having this episode. On the 31st of August 2022 Mieke received a censor in her chest to see when and how her heart was not functioning as it must. It was a small incision that was made and a device as small as a USB was inserted in the chest near the heart.

On 10 October 2022 Mieke was 5 years old at the time and once again this episode of becoming pale and collapsing happened ( So know we had proof that something is really wrong ) And they picked up that she had a disease called (Tachy- Brady syndrome) and (Sick Sinus syndrome) a quick decision was made that she had to get a pacemaker because when she collapse like that, her heart makes long pauses, where it stops beating. - yet still her heart is far from non-problematic

Then after the pacemaker she stated with the episode again on 4th of February 2023 after all the hospitals Asians all the E.R visits so we went to Cape Town begging them to help us for answers for our little heart warrior Mieke then they diaognosed her with: Heart Cardiac Sincopy, Sick Sinus Syndrome and Tacky-Brady Syndrome.

It is an absolute roller coaster ride with her condition as a heart warrior. I take my hat off to parents and children who sits in a similar position as us
But if I have to do it all over again I will definitely, do it and choose my little heart warrior Mieke again.

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