We are a Non Profit Organization founded in 2014 by friends and families of babies that have been born with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD).
1 in 100 babies are born with CHD, In certain cases the defects are not detected early enough, or not detected at all.
We strive to walk the journey with families and to provide support so that no one feels alone.
We are a Non Profit Organisation, offering emotional and practical support to families living with CHD
Here you will find the symptons in babies and children with a CHD, Congential Heart Defect
We organise various events to raise much needed funds, you can help by supporting these events.
HHEART RATE: too low or high. Normal is 100 to 160 BPM
EENERGY: Falling asleep during feeding and/or poor weight gain and failure to thrive.
AAPPEARANCE: Pale, blue or dusky skin.
RRESPIRATION: Breathing too fast or too slow. Normal is 40-60 breaths per minute.
TTEMPERATURE: Cold to touch, especially hands and/or feet. Excessive or abnormal sweating can indicate a CHD.
HHEART RATE: too low or high. Normal is 100 to 160 BPM
EENERGY: Sleepy, tires easily and cannot keep up with peers during physical exercise.
AAPPEARANCE: Pale, blue or dusky skin, especially during active play or sports. Slow growth, poor weight gain and poor appetite.
RRESPIRATION: Breathing too fast or too slow. Complains of chest/heart pounding. Frequent colds or respiratory illness. Out of breath during play.
TTEMPERATURE: Cold to touch, especially hands and/or feet. Excessive or abnormal sweating.
Either during your 12 or 20 week ultrasound scan where the structure of your baby's heart is visible.
It is strongly advised to schedule an ultrasound with a Foetal Assessment Specialist or Sonographer for your 20 week ultrasound.
What Questions can I ask during my 20 Week ultrasound:-
Do you see all 4 chambers of my baby's heart? (2 Atria and 2 Ventricles)?
Do you see my baby's Aorta and Pulmonary Artery?
Does the position of these arteries look normal?
Do you see any other abnormalities with blood flow or heart valves controlling the blood flow?
If your doctor is unable to answer any of these questions, ask for a referral to a specialist for a second opinion. Should your doctor detect any defects, you will be referred to a specialist in the field of CHD.
Early detection is key in order to provide your baby with the necessary treatment if required either at birth, or in the months or years to follow. Most major CHD's can be identified during this 20 week routine scan, however, certain CHD's can only be detected after birth or later in a childs life.
As an extra measure parents can request that medical staff perform a pulse oximetry test on their baby before being discharged from hospital. This is a non-invasive process which takes approximately 2 minutes to perform. The pulse oximeter measures the oxygen levels in a baby's blood stream. This test cannot confirm whether a CHD exists in a child - a detailed heart scan is required for absolute confirmation.
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